Interpreter FAQ

Interpreter FAQ


When do I get paid?

Payment periods and their associated payment processing* dates are laid out in the Contractor Payment Schedule, which you can find Jobs must be “closed out” in the Interpreter Intelligence portal with a staff-signed voucher attached before they are eligible for payment.

*Note: Deposits can sometimes take 1-2 days to appear in your account once they’ve been processed.

Who do I contact if I have questions about a past or upcoming invoice?

Please email Interpreting Department Manager Charity Quinn at

Who do I contact to update my records and qualifications?

Please send all paperwork to Vendor Manager Briana Dyrness at for processing and validation.

When are the worst hours to call the coordinating team?

Please try to avoid calling in between 11am – 2pm to check for new opportunities, as the coordinating team is not at full capacity due to staff lunches.  The best method of communication during these hours is via email at We do encourage you to call in, however, if the matter is urgent.



How do I get notified of new jobs?

New jobs are paged out by our coordinators via text, email, or phone call depending on interpreter preference. You can also view open jobs on our portal and self-assign from there.

Do you have “Hot Jobs?”

Yes, we often get short notice jobs. They are immediately paged out via text, email, or phone call.

Note: These jobs pay at your normal hourly rate.

Why does my surgery appointment have a 12am start time? Is this a mistake?

12am is a placeholder start time and will be changed. Surgery times are not provided until close of business the day before the appointment.

If I’ve accepted a surgery appointment, can I take other jobs on that date?

It’s imperative that you do not accept any other appointments for the date of a surgery until you’ve received an official start time. By accepting a surgery, you are agreeing to keep the job regardless of its final start time. Surgeries given back because of start time conflicts will be considered no-shows and will be assessed a fee. Please only accept surgery appointments if your day is clear of any other assignments. You are more than welcome to check in with a coordinator for other open appointments to fill out your schedule after the surgery start time has been given to you.

How do I close out a job in the portal?

You can close out a job via your desktop computer or mobile device. Please see this document  Closing Jobs in Portal ( for detailed instructions.

How long do I have to close out a job for payment?

You have 30 days to close a job from the date services are rendered. We can’t bill our clients until the job is closed. We do not backdate due to lateness, so please ensure your jobs are closed in a timely manner.



How do I get reimbursed for parking/tolls?

Please send all parking/toll receipts, along with their applicable job numbers, to Interpreting Department Manager Charity Quinn at If the receipt is eligible for reimbursement, she will apply it to the job.

How late can I send a parking/toll receipt for reimbursement?

Parking/toll receipts must be submitted to on the same date as the appointment.

How is mileage calculated and applied to my jobs?

Mileage is considered incidental within Interpreter Intelligence and, therefore, does not need to be manually applied to each job. Our point-to-point system automatically calculates the mileage from one appointment to the next.* If more than 2 hours (121min+) elapse between two Dynamic Language jobs, the system will assume you returned home and calculate your mileage from there.

Please see this example schedule:

1st Appt: 8am – mileage to (starting from your residence)

2nd Appt: 9:30am – mileage to

3rd Appt: 11:30am – mileage to and mileage from (ending at your residence)

4th Appt: 4pm – mileage to (starting from your residence) and mileage from (ending at your residence)

*Note: Mileage can only be calculated between Dynamic Language jobs. The system cannot account for mileage between jobs taken from other interpreting agencies.

Is mileage and/or parking reimbursed for late cancellations?

It depends on the client. Please contact Charity at to verify if mileage/parking/tolls are applicable to your assignment.



When is a cancelled job payable?

A cancellation is payable if it’s been confirmed with the client and is cancelled within 24 business hours of the appointment start time.

Should I close my job if it has been cancelled?

If your job is cancelled prior to the appointment, please do not touch it. Charity manages cancelled jobs and approves them for payment. Please contact her directly at if you have any questions about a cancelled job.

If a client staff member informs you upon arrival that your job is cancelled, please check your booking calendar in the portal. If the job is not in cancelled status, the client did not notify Dynamic of the cancellation. Please add your actual arrival and departure time and the note “cancelled upon arrival” to your voucher, have a staff member sign it, and close the job as normal. If the job is in cancelled status on your portal calendar, please do not close or upload a voucher to it.

How do I give back an assignment?

Dynamic Language expects interpreters to make every reasonable effort possible to follow through on accepted assignments. If you have no other option but to return an assignment, it MUST be given back via email to

When is a giveback considered late?

A giveback is considered late if it’s returned less than 24 business hours prior to the appointment. If we aren’t able to find a replacement interpreter, the job is subject to a no-show fee. Dynamic Language prefer jobs be returned at least 72 hours in advance. Anything returned less than 48 hours in advance is not ideal for Dynamic, our customers, or individuals requiring our services.

If a situation outside my control causes me to miss an appointment, will I still be charged a no-show fee?

This is assessed on a case-by-case basis. In the event of an emergency, please contact Dynamic Language as soon as possible to inform them of the situation. Please send any documentation* relating to the cause of the missed assignment to Charity at

Please see our Weather/Natural Disaster Policy here [BD3] for information directly related to these kinds of emergencies.

*Ex. A doctor’s note, a WSDOT screenshot of an ongoing traffic accident, receipt/pictures of car issues/tire damage, etc.

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